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Demystifying the Indian Startup-Bank Relationship: Challenges and Solutions
Startup-bank relationship

Demystifying the Indian Startup-Bank Relationship: Challenges and Solutions

In India's rapidly evolving entrepreneurial landscape, startups are the driving force behind innovation, economic growth, and job creation. However, the journey of a startup is fraught with challenges, and perhaps one of the most critical is securing adequate financing. Traditional banks play a pivotal role in providing financial support to startups, but the startup-bank relationship…

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Revolutionizing Healthcare: How Digitalisation is Transforming Patient Care
Digitalization in Healthcare

Revolutionizing Healthcare: How Digitalisation is Transforming Patient Care

Digitalisation has transformed virtually every aspect of modern life, and healthcare is no exception. From electronic medical records to telemedicine and wearable health devices, technology is changing the way we approach healthcare delivery and patient management. In this article, we will explore some of the ways in which digitalisation is transforming healthcare and discuss the…

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