
People & Organisation

Empowering Government Agencies with Innovative Capacity Building Approaches: A SAAR way
Capacity Building - SAAR Consult

Empowering Government Agencies with Innovative Capacity Building Approaches: A SAAR way

Capacity building is essential for any government to ensure its proper functioning and to achieve its objectives. It involves enhancing the skills and capabilities of government officials and employees so that they can perform their duties more effectively and efficiently. Capacity building also involves improving the organizational structure and processes of government agencies to promote…

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1000 667 SAAR Consult
Promoting Happiness in the Workplace: Upstrat’s Approach on World Happiness Day
Word Happiness Day

Promoting Happiness in the Workplace: Upstrat’s Approach on World Happiness Day

World Happiness Day is celebrated on March 20 every year. This day is dedicated to promoting happiness and well-being around the world. At SAAR Consult, a management consulting company, we believe that happiness is not only important for individuals but also for organizations. Happy employees lead to a positive work environment and higher productivity. In…

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700 467 SAAR Consult
Navigating the Pros and Cons of Remote Work for Organizational Success
Remote work pros and cons

Navigating the Pros and Cons of Remote Work for Organizational Success

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. With advances in technology and communication, more and more employees are now able to work from anywhere in the world, and organizations are starting to see the benefits of remote work. One of the primary benefits of remote…

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